zuper8: are you there, my love? Au-: i am here. Au-: hooking up the cam now Au-: hold on zuper8: i am holding Au-: hmmm Au-: not working... Au-: you might have to just look at stills zuper8: just tell me what's happening my dear zuper8: (private) your image is still very fresh in my mind :) Au-: just what one xould expect zuper8: what? Au-: lots of anger Au-: but that is past a bit now zuper8: is marc angry? Au-: we are more in the extreme sorrow phase Au-: yes he is angry zuper8: are you? Au-: yes Au-: i need to get out of here zuper8: it is extreme sorrow here too zuper8: i need to get out too zuper8: and veerle wants that as well zuper8: i'll try to find a place tomorrow zuper8: i'm not picky Au-: oh... that is soon Au-: i have to start packing tomorrow Au-: i have two weeks zuper8: :) zuper8: two weeks? zuper8: what are you angry about? Au-: just the arguing Au-: having to explain myself Au-: it has been far too emotional today zuper8: veerle was very angry too... she was actually bossing me around... so i got angry... Au- -> zuper8: 1.6fps Au- -> zuper8: :) Au- -> zuper8: almost realtime zuper8: but we both realise now that we need to take one step at the time and let time do its work zuper8: still it's sad zuper8: (private) almost Au-: yes time zuper8: what does marc want? Au-: he wants me to change my mind Au-: to stay Au-: to commit to him zuper8: i am very resolute about that, veerle knows now that she can't change my mi Au-: he wants me but he says he can tell that i dont want him now zuper8: we have to get out Au-: its painful becasue in so many ways i still love him Au-: very, very sad zuper8: leave them alone with their grief for a while Au-: yes right zuper8: i love veerle too zuper8: that's what makes it painful Au-: but things needed to be changed zuper8: and i know that a life with veerle wouldn't be all that bad zuper8: but now i want you zuper8: you zuper8: you zuper8: you Au-: i miss you zuper8: o god... Au-: i saw the video you made sitting on the bed zuper8: i miss you too Au-: :) zuper8: missing you on the bed... Au- -> zuper8: yes look into my eyes... Au- -> zuper8: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Au-: yes i miss you alot zuper8: (private) i love you :) zuper8: (private) we are moving towards each other now zuper8: (private) closer and closer Au-: no hesitation zuper8: (private) no hesitation Au- -> zuper8: deeper and deeper zuper8: (private) no doubt zuper8: (private) deeper Au-: kiss zuper8: (private) kiss kiss Au- -> zuper8: kisssssssss zuper8: (private) ssssssssssuckle Au- -> zuper8: ! zuper8: (private) ! zuper8: (private) :) Au- -> zuper8: so good to see you zuper8: (private) i wish i could say the same ;p Au- -> zuper8: i will fix it up for tomorrow zuper8: (private) that would be nice, but let's not cling too much to these digital meetings anymore, they are so frustrating zuper8: (private) now Au- -> zuper8: yes Au- -> zuper8: but sometimes zuper8: (private) i wish i could feel you zuper8: (private) hold you zuper8: (private) close Au-: actually i cant do this much anyway zuper8: (private) stroke your back Au-: ive got alot of work work zuper8: (private) smell your hair zuper8: (private) kiss your zuper8: (private) your Au- -> zuper8: o zuper8: (private) your Au- -> zuper8: oo Au- -> zuper8: oooo Au- -> zuper8: ooooooooooooooooooooooooo! zuper8: i've got a lot of work too zuper8: (private) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Au- -> zuper8: touch Au- -> zuper8: right,,,,,,, frustrating zuper8: (private) shivers zuper8: tell me you're mine Au- -> zuper8: i'm yours Au- -> zuper8: forever zuper8: (private) :) no hesitation zuper8: (private) forever zuper8: (private) :) Au-: we must be good to one another zuper8: (private) i love you zuper8: we will be Au-: i love you Au-: yes Au-: no lies Au-: no doubts zuper8: no lies zuper8: no doubts Au-: no hesitation zuper8: no hesitation zuper8: are you scraed? Au-: you make me feel stronger zuper8: scared? zuper8: yes zuper8: and stronger is how you make me feel zuper8: what are you scared of? Au-: its been so difficult to keep my sanity in this environment Au-: he tries to make me feel inferior in a way Au-: to make me see that i need him Au-: its hard to explain zuper8: you're not buying that, are you??? Au-: i wont fall for any tricks zuper8: you? the f***ing queen bee!!! Au-: i know what i can do Au-: i know what WE can do zuper8: YES zuper8: don't you ever let anyone make you feel inferior Au-: but mostly i know what i want to do Au-: dont worry... its ok zuper8: you are a goddess Au-: i'm just exhausted zuper8: (private) you're beautiful zuper8: (private) always Au- -> zuper8: i love you zuper8: (private) i love you Au-: i have to go now Au-: you should go to bed too zuper8: ok yes zuper8: we are one Au-: we are one zuper8: true.love Au-: :) zuper8: the one Au-: i am inside you zuper8: yes zuper8: (private) but i want you outside of me as well ;) Au-: soon. zuper8: (private) skin zuper8: soon zuper8: goodnight my love Au-: goodnight zuper8: i am here whenever you need me Au-: sleep well Au-: however you want me zuper8: i will dream of you zuper8: (private) or maybe fantasize about you before that Au- -> zuper8: such peace i felt with you Au- -> zuper8: i will concenterate on that Au- -> zuper8: we have chosen happiness zuper8: (private) yes, and you will feel it for years and years to come zuper8: (private) we will zuper8: (private) we have zuper8: (private) happiness zuper8: (private) please don't let it go Au- -> zuper8: i cannot Au- -> zuper8: i am yours zuper8: (private) me neither Au- -> zuper8: :) zuper8: (private) i am yours Au- -> zuper8: lover goodnight.... zuper8: (private) goodnight sweet and warm one zuper8: (private) fade... Au- -> zuper8: goodnight fade to moonlight..... zuper8: (private) moonlight :)